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5 participants
Burn out
Burn out

Age : 54
Localisation : bordeaux
Style moto : 1200 VMAX VBOOST 10000 miles!

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MessageSujet: Origine de ma moto?   Origine de ma moto? EmptyMar 20 Déc 2011 - 18:05

Salut à tous, ça fait un bail que je n'étais pas passé sur le forum. confused
J'ai une question qui va vous paraitre saugrenue: ma vmax a comme numéro de châssis : 2WE59396 et je ne sais pas à quel pays cela correspond, quelqu'un pourrait il décrypter ce numéro?
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Age : 59
Localisation : Au bord de l'eau
Style moto : Stock

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MessageSujet: Re: Origine de ma moto?   Origine de ma moto? EmptyMar 20 Déc 2011 - 23:04

Il y a un très bon recensement , pas officiel mais qui a le mérite d'exister ici :

Tu trouvers surement les infos dont tu as besoin.

Bonjour et bonne route Invité

Origine de ma moto? Signat10
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Burn out
Burn out

Age : 59
Localisation : Benidorm-España
Style moto : Vmax 1992 Tuning

Origine de ma moto? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Origine de ma moto?   Origine de ma moto? EmptyMer 21 Déc 2011 - 8:45

Tape ton VIN ici :

ou tu regardes les "V-Max Frame & Engine Number Info" sur ce site :

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Burn out
Burn out

Age : 54
Localisation : bordeaux
Style moto : 1200 VMAX VBOOST 10000 miles!

Origine de ma moto? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Origine de ma moto?   Origine de ma moto? EmptyMer 21 Déc 2011 - 9:08

Américaine apparemment.
Merci hi
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Hayabusa Killer
Hayabusa Killer

Age : 61
Localisation : Oise
Style moto : Vmax1700, Vmax1200

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MessageSujet: Re: Origine de ma moto?   Origine de ma moto? EmptyVen 23 Déc 2011 - 17:04

slut tu peux trouver quelques infos ci-dessous également

The VMX1200 or V-max is short the cult motorcycle of Yamaha. During its presentation in the year 1984 it was revolutionary with the interpretation compromiseless extreme for conditions at that time and. The large volume V4-Motor with 145 HP made a series motorcycle possible with greatest possible acceleration. It leaves itself also due to that recordsuspiciously is enough for construction period of 17 years (the production roads were diminished only 2001), in which them only slight technical changes had experienced, into no usual motorcycle pattern to insert, at the earliest still into that of the Dragsters.


Akira Araki, project manager with Yamaha, was at the beginning of the 1980er years in the USA on market investigation route. An impressing experience for it were the "Bridge Races". Two motorcycles placed themselves against the starting line and tried as fast as possible over the quarterly mile distance (approx. 400 m) to come, as distance a bridge over the Mississippi were used. Yamaha called later this running "Zero-4-race". Its first thought was to build a motorcycle which is strongly on the straight line and really fast. With these impressions Akira Araki turned back to GKDI, an external Yamaha Design company. Nearly a whole month worked it, Kaoru Ashihara (engine development) and the designer Kurachi, in order to bring the concept to paper. OD Burke, his indication senior Product Planner with Yamaha the USA, supported the team with the work. After intensive considerations a 1:1 developed - for model. When they had finished this, they returned to Japan, in order to present the study internally.
The search for a suitable engine became first difficult, since however a straight V4-Motor for the Tourer XVZ12 venture was developed, which offered large potential, fell back one to it. A problem placed itself however the rather phlegmatische design of the route he engine with its 90 HP on projected 140 HP - 150 HP to bring. Angedachter turbochargers from lack of space again one rejected - after revision of the compression, in and discharge opening channels the revolutionary VBoost- system was invented. An actuator opens a second register in the four carburetors starting from 6000 revolutions half and starting from 8000 revolutions completely.
A further problem was to be gotten the chassis so stably that it bore brachiale engine performance and torque. Thus also instead of a chain a Kardanantrieb was used. Due to the extreme Design and the emphasis of the impressing engine mount the sheeting of the individual building groups was a fight for the last centimeter - in such a way e.g. the anyway small 15l-Tank moved under Sitzbank.Die V-max had then their premiere at the US dealer meeting in read Vegas in October 1984. The machine was intended for the 1985er season and should be brought first in the USA on the market. The key attraction was simple and effective: American Hotrod. The V-max was at this time other motorcycles far ahead. It was with a time of under 11 seconds on the quarterly mile the fastest accelerating series motorcycle with an engine performance, which almost near-handed to the Grand at that time Prix machines.
After the further conception in Japan and Europe the newspapers with superlatives estimated themselves and praised
acceleration, the optics and the incomparable driving feeling. The V-max world-wide in the media highly one praised and sold themselves very well in the years 1985 and 1986 - although only for a visible target group, not last also due to the high price, built. Jean Claude Olivier, director von Yamaha France, pushed on a permission of the V-max in Europe. For engineers with Yamaha it was a challenge to prepare the chassis for the high-speed requirements in Europe. 1986 were introduced the Vmax first in France. The European version had however first no V-Boost-system and therefore remained engine performance on 98 HP limited, in order to fulfill the stricter European permission criteria at that time. Still into the late 1990ern the Frenchmen bought more V-max than American soon already asked Yamaha the USA for a smaller version, e.g. a 750er V-max. The project was built however soon for constructional reasons to fall calmly however with the engine of the FZ 750 an American model. The FZX 750 developed forward with the 45"° bent row four-cylinder. The "small V-max", in Europe Fazer' one baptized. And although less extremely and less "Macho" was than the large brother, it nevertheless a versatile and independent development with a completely own character and also a very successful model.
Production was finally stopped 2001. In the years 2002 - 2004 was only sold stocks from the USA. 2005 came then
likewise from stocks a special model to the anniversary of the V-max into Rotmetallic on the market.


In the course of the years a set of models of the V-max for the export was built:

Model Construction period area For export country Achievement HP Torque Other
1FK 1985 The USA 145 124 with V-Boost, 34mm-Vergaser, Miles Tacho
1JH 1985 The USA (California) 145 124 Emission control, changed carburetors and cam shafts
1GR 1985-1986 Canada 145 124 with V-Boost, 34mm-Vergaser, km/h Tacho
1UT 1986 The USA 145 124 otherwise like 1FK
1UR 1986 The USA (California) 143 120 otherwise like 1JH
2EN 1987-1990 Europe 122 102 Without V-Boost with km/h Tacho and light switch, 35mm-Vergaser, max number of revolutions 8500 rpm, other final translation
2WE 1987-1990 The USA 145 124 35mm-Vergaser, changed connection diagram, otherwise like 1UT
2WF 1987-1990 The USA (California) 140 120 35mm-Vergaser, changed connection diagram, otherwise like 1JH
2LT 1987-1992 Canada 145 124 35mm-Vergaser, changed connection diagram, 1991 ignition system, otherwise like 1GR
2WE 1991-1992 The USA 140 120 Other cam shafts, ignition system, exhaust
2WF 1991-1992 The USA (California) 136 118 Other cam shafts, ignition system, exhaust
2EN 1991-1992 Europe 120 100 Other ignition system, exhaust
2WE 1993-1995 The USA 140 120 Changed fork and brake
2WF 1993-1995 The USA (California) 136 118 Changed fork and brake
2LT 1993-1995 Canada 140 120 Changed fork, brake and exhaust
2EN 1993-1995 Europe 120 100 Changed fork and brake
2WE 1996-2001 The USA 136 118 Changed oil filter, final drive, transmission, clutch
2WF 1996-2001 The USA (California) 136 118 Changed oil filter, final drive, transmission, clutch
2LT 1996-2001 Canada, Germany 140 (98) 120 (100) Changed oil filter, final drive, transmission, clutch
2EN 1996-2001 Europe, 96/97 Germany 120 (98) 100 Changed oil filter, final drive, transmission, clutch
3UF 1990-1992 Japan 140 120 Speedcutter 190km/h
3UF 1993-1995 Japan 136 118 Other fork, brake, exhaust
3UF 1996-2001 Japan 136 118 Changed oil filter, final drive, transmission, clutch Technical data Model 2LT Engine Four-cylinder V-engine, 4-Takt, DOHC,
liquid cooling Achievement
110 KW (145 HP)
Torque 120 Nm
Capacity 1198 cm
Compression 10,5: 1
Drilling x stroke 76 x 66 mm
Maximum permissible engine speed 9500 rpm
Mixture preparation 4 x Mikuni BDS35 carburetor, 2 electrical gasoline pumps
Unloaded weight 280 kg
Strengths and weaknesses
By its critics very often to the weaknesses above all the chassis one referred. Thus the V-max are not inclined at higher
speeds, due to the high cross section of the rear tire to oscillating and the framework one straight than torsionally stiff
would designate. Also the tendency for front wheel oscillating is pronounced.
Above all the early years of construction exhibited too weakly dimensioned brakes.
The interpretation on acceleration on the straight line and the relatively high dead weight let the V-max in close curve
combinations move, e.g. on mountain routes for the driver ponderously.
By all were praised the engine, the enormous Beschleungigung and passages. Like that the V-max are one that few
motorcycles the process of torque and achievement, almost linear from the condition gas to the maximum permissible
engine speed, completely show.
It was not sketched for close curves or for racing.

On comprend mieux les 120 cv mesurés au banc sur nos modéles récents débridés


Abondance de Vmax ne nuit pas...Bien au contraire !

La plus triste des journées est celle où l'on a pas ri !
Et rouler en VMAX bien sûr

Origine de ma moto? Speedo12
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Burn out
Burn out

Age : 54
Localisation : bordeaux
Style moto : 1200 VMAX VBOOST 10000 miles!

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MessageSujet: Re: Origine de ma moto?   Origine de ma moto? EmptyLun 2 Jan 2012 - 8:32

Ok, merci, la mienne est de 96, type mine 2WE, donc ca veut dire usa mais 136 cv ou 118? slut
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Hayabusa Killer
Hayabusa Killer

Age : 61
Localisation : Oise
Style moto : Vmax1700, Vmax1200

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MessageSujet: Re: Origine de ma moto?   Origine de ma moto? EmptyLun 2 Jan 2012 - 14:10

je pense que cela dépend de la config de la moto, dans certains pays, des taxes sont à payer suivant la puissance de la moto et donc certains les achetent au plus bas pour les upgrader ensuite. Donc si tu as le Vboost, les membranes sans les butées, je dirais 136. wink3

Abondance de Vmax ne nuit pas...Bien au contraire !

La plus triste des journées est celle où l'on a pas ri !
Et rouler en VMAX bien sûr

Origine de ma moto? Speedo12
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Age : 60
Localisation : Paris
Style moto : 1200 et 1700 préparées

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MessageSujet: Re: Origine de ma moto?   Origine de ma moto? EmptyDim 8 Jan 2012 - 18:29

cclap 145 même no wink2
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Hayabusa Killer
Hayabusa Killer

Age : 61
Localisation : Oise
Style moto : Vmax1700, Vmax1200

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MessageSujet: Re: Origine de ma moto?   Origine de ma moto? EmptyDim 8 Jan 2012 - 19:17

nonono pas 145, elle est 1996 wink2

Abondance de Vmax ne nuit pas...Bien au contraire !

La plus triste des journées est celle où l'on a pas ri !
Et rouler en VMAX bien sûr

Origine de ma moto? Speedo12
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Age : 60
Localisation : Paris
Style moto : 1200 et 1700 préparées

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MessageSujet: Re: Origine de ma moto?   Origine de ma moto? EmptyDim 8 Jan 2012 - 19:23

wink2 oK wink3
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